Equal Day 2019

Participative democracy

Does reconciling politics with citizens require implementing a participative democracy? Does our hyper-connected society call into question the current system of representative democracy?

There are two facets to look at when tackling this subject as we see it. 

On the one hand, we need to question the role and importance of a representative democracy at a time in which means of communication have vastly evolved. These themes will invariably be concerned with the place of elected representatives as we know it.

On the other hand, we need to question the role that a participative democracy already plays in our society as it does not solely involve political parties and institutional politics. Does an employee of FN Herstal, a member of the Ecolo party, an affiliate of the FGTB, a member of the Christian Mutual Health Fund, a collaborator in a collective kitchen garden not also do their 'job' as a citizen and participate in democracy?  This allows us to 'open up' our field of possibilities in terms of the public, reflection and positioning over the course of the day.


Thomas Deridder: Thomas(at)equalday.eu
Pierre Slegers: Pierre(at)equalday.eu
